It's an accepted fact that copy editing is very subjective with numerous rules. Add into the mix the authors opinions and this becomes a major challenge to the publisher to get the right blend of skill, subject knowledge and cost. At YPS we recognize this complexity and as such we avoid the "one size fits all" approach. We use a mix of onshore/offshore editors with the relevant subject knowledge to meet the publishers and authors expectations.
We offer three levels of copy editing. Each level delivers a different depth of editing service:
Level 1 – Proofreading
Our editor will check grammer, capitalization, spelling, verb tense and pronouns. They will also ensure consistency of styles and formatting and will not do any drastic change to the original writing.
Level 2 – Copy editing
This is generally accepted interpretation of copy editing. In addition to the Level 1 proofreading, copy editing focuses on the five Cs of writing:
Under this category, our editor will adjust sentence and paragraph structure, eliminate redundant and repetitive words, replace weak words, phrases and sentences with alternatives that deliver more impact as per the subject. Our editors can do hard copy editing, MS Word with track changes and in Adobe Acrobat.
Level 3 – Substantive Editing
Please expect drastic changes to your original writing with this level of editing. Editors serve more as consultants and take the liberty to rewrite/change major portions of your book/journal text. New text might be added if the editor feels sentence of the original text lack substance or requires further support. Long paragraphs may be split into multiple smaller paragraphs that retain clear focus on a singular message. Substantive editing is very time-consuming therefore an expensive activity.
With Permission has a highly skilled and experienced team in text permissions and photo research, working in a variety of genres, including anthologies, textbooks, prayer books, foreign language books, multimedia art presentations, calendars, video, and more. Our experienced permission team can do following activities on behalf of our clients:
An editorial proofreader combines proofreading with some copy editing tasks, if they are needed late in the production process. This can include correcting errors such as misspellings, typos, mis-numbering or mislabeling, subject-verb disagreement, word usage, and identifying incorrect or outdated cross-references. If copy is missing, the proofreader requests the copy. Editorial proofreading may also involve typemarking, and making marginal notes to show the first citation of illustrations, tables, and other display elements. If instructed, single quotation marks are changed to double quotation marks as needed in running text and in displayed extracts. When the manuscript consists of typeset text, the proofreader checks for incorrect word breaks.
At this level, the editorial proofreader adds punctuation to delineate a restrictive clause only if the change will prevent confusion, retains secondary spellings and the existing footnote or endnote system, and does not tamper with word choice or marginally incorrect punctuation (such as semicolons in a simple series) unless requested to do so.
In organizations that have a limited staff and budget, content creation often falls by the wayside or in the lap of marketers who already have their plates full. As an enlightened marketer, you know that content marketing is no part-time job and shouldnot be treated as such. In order to maintain a successful content strategy, you need dedicated content writers to publish consistently and keep your potential buyers and customers engaged.